
June Newsletter
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Blog (Linked Below):

"GPS of Life's Navigation..." (click here)
In This Issue:
- Upcoming Training
- Congrats grads!
- $40 Hypnosis Sessions are BACK!
- Training Schedule for 
2022 now posted!

MIOH Staff


Marla Brucker
Marla Brucker, DCH, R.HA
Executive Director
(858) 587-0422


Sherry Davenport
Editor, Events Support


Andrew Utley
Administrative Assistant

Did You Know?

Attract Butterflies by Mowing Less:
Cutting lawns less frequently during the spring and summer months helps butterflies and bees that feed on the nectar of low-growing plants. It reduces water use and makes lawns more resilient to drought.

Save Money by Buying Separate One-Way Tickets:
One-way tickets on domestic flights generally are half the price of a roundtrip. Booking separate tickets on different airlines may allow you to find even greater bargains…and might get you better flight schedules and more comfort for at least half the trip.

Going Someplace Crowded with a Child:
Take a photo of your child before leaving. Having a photo of the child on your phone especially one that shows what he/she is wearing can help police and other security personnel find your child faster. Also, for children old enough to follow instructions, establish a meeting point so that you know where to check in if you become separated.

Squelch Car and Motion Sickness:
It’s so great to hit the road to visit with loved ones again but not so much the queasiness that sometimes happens when you’re in the car. To ease motion sickness in 60 seconds, take slow sniffs of a freshly peeled orange or tangerine. Stanford University researchers say the aromatic oils in citrus calm the nausea center in the brain, plus they activate the vagus nerve, which helps stomach muscles contract properly so food can pass quickly without causing that "churning" feeling.

Inspirational Quotes

I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." ~ Maya Angelou

"Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting." ~ Jay Little

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world with goodness." ~ Desmond Tutu, (Nobel Peace Prize winner, South African Anglican archbishop)


"I am a graduate of the Clinical Hypnotherapy Program at the MIOH.  When I began the program, I had no idea just how wonderful and transformative the experience would be in both my personal and professional life.  As part of my personal journey, it has given me amazing tools to heal and help myself…tools that I know I will utilize throughout my life.  I entered the program in search of a new career path and could not be happier with the education and resources provided to me by the Motivational Institute.  Not only were the instructors skilled, professional and knowledgeable they were also helpful far beyond what one would expect.  They have become mentors and friends.  While I have started my own practice, I still receive guidance and assistance in taking the practical steps necessary in building my business.  The amazing director Marla Brucker and her wonderful staff of teachers and colleagues have been outstanding.  This has been one experience that I will never forget and will always be grateful for.  I highly recommend the MIOH for your personal or professional growth. Thank You Marla! "  ~ Cynthia

Yelp Us!
Please take a moment to Yelp MIOH.


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Letter from the Executive Director

Hi Everyone,

You are the cause of your own experience. If you are the cause, you can change it… 

Many of you know that I am an avid follower of Tony Robbins. He has a great strategy for creating breakthroughs to help propel us forward with momentum, purpose, and drive.

Instead of waiting for a breakthrough, he believes that it's up to us to make it happen. Everything you need in your life already exists within you. All that is required is for you to stop settling for second best, but to have the courage and bravery to position yourself to make it happen today!

Tony’s definition of a Breakthrough (noun): A moment in time when you make a definitive decision to change – when you set new standards and will never settle for anything less than extraordinary results.

Here’s How:

1) Identify the strategies that will create massive success – Model other people who have achieved the results you want. 

2)  Change your story - Your story may be true, but is it empowering? If you are holding on to the past or clinging to a disempowering story, let it go.

3)   Take control of your physical and emotional well-being – Channel your energy, strength and focus toward achieving your goals.

If you do this now, you’ll be ready to take on anything as you launch your life to a whole new level. Celebrate! 

Read our Blog: GPS of Life's Navigation

Let kindness be contagious…

Marla Brucker, DCH, R.H.A.
Peak Performance Coach
(858) 587-0422

Upcoming Certification Training:

Ericksonian Hypnosis

We will continue to offer online training at this time.

Register by August 5th to receive a $150 discount for this upcoming training.

Three-weekend training: 

Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00am – 1:00pm (PST)

August 13-14, 20-21, & 27-28 2022

Success exists within; invest in yourself…

If you’ve ever wanted to learn hypnosis for your own personal or professional benefit, NOW is the time to start!      

You will learn powerful hypnosis techniques and applications designed to create permanent changes in your life and in the lives of others. This comprehensive course in Ericksonian Hypnosis provides hands-on demonstrations and experiential training.

In these three powerful and information-packed weekends you will develop skills to achieve the success you (and your clients) desire!

For more information about the Ericksonian Hypnosis training, click hereRegister now!

Contact Marla Brucker at (858) 587-0422

or email: Marla@SDHypnosisTraining.comwith any questions. 


Congrats Graduates!

Congratulations to Candy Knapp and Victoria Payan Buskirk for having completed 300-hours of hands-on training and clinical work. They are now officially certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Integrative Hypnotherapy. I am proud to call each of them a colleague.

$40 Hypnosis Sessions!

The Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy (MIOH) is excited to announce that two of our students are in the last phase of their training, as they begin their supervised internship, and will be seeing clients virtually for only $40 a session.

MIOH is one of two schools nationwide to offer a supervised clinical internship, part of our 300-hour certification program. Our interns have dedicated hundreds of hours to honing their skills and are ready to help you achieve your goals.

Call now to schedule your hypnosis session for only $40 at (323) 252-2271.

In addition to the benefits you will gain, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Habitat for Humanity.

What a great way to help yourself, support an intern and contribute to helping people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they can call home.

Call now!!! The $40 sessions book up quickly.

If you know anyone else who would like to reap the benefits of hypnosis, please forward this information to them.

Read Our Blog:

GPS of Life's Navigation...


2022 Training Schedule

The trainings will be held online via Zoom until further notice.

*All courses are taught Saturdays and Sundays
(Virtual training: 9:00am – 1:00pm)

Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy (Completed)
(Early registration discount – January 14, 2022)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)

January 22-23      Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
January 29-30      Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
February 12-13    Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM

Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming 

(Early registration discount – April 22, 2022)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM) 

April 30-May 1   Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
May 14-15         Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
May 21-22         Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM

Ericksonian Hypnosis
(Early registration discount – August 5, 2022)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)

August 13-14      Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
August 20-21      Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
August 27-28      Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM

Energy Psychology 
(Early registration discount – October 7, 2022)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)

October 15-16    Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
October 22-23    Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM
November 5-6    Sat. and Sun. 9:00AM to 1:00PM

   Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders, and enjoy the moment



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