
June Newsletter
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Blog (Linked Below):

We are Living in 2020 Hindsight
(click here)

In This Issue:
- Upcoming Training
- Special Thanks
- Congrats Graduates!
Training Schedule for 2020

MIOH Staff


Marla Brucker
Marla Brucker, DCH, R.HA
Executive Director
(858) 587-0422


Sherry Davenport
Editor, Events Support


Andrew Utley
Administrative Assistant

Did You Know?

Making Eye Contact
Simply making eye contact with someone renders that person less likely to lie to you. In a recent study, even when lying was encouraged to win a game, participants were about 9% less likely to lie if their opponents looked directly in their eyes. Be wary of people who won’t look at you in your eyes, especially now with people wearing masks. (Jari K.Hietanen, PhD., Human Information Processing Laboratory, University of Tampere, Finland.)

Olive Oil Helps Your Memory
Saturated fat, such as that found in meat and cheese, contributes to declines in memory and cognition. However, monounsaturated fat, found in olive and avocado oil, seem to protect the brain. A recent study indicates that women over the age of 65 who ate the most saturated fat were up to 65% more likely to experience cognitive decline over time than those who ate the least. Women who ate the most monounsaturated fat were 44% less likely to decline in verbal-memory scores and 48% less likely to decline in overall cognition. (Olivia Okereke, MD, Associate Psychiatrist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA., Annals of Neurology.)

Cutting Onions Without Tears
When you cut onions, light a candle and set it close to you. The flame eats the ‘gas’ the onion gives off as you cut so you won’t have the tears. To get rid of the onion smell left on your hands, rub your hands on a stainless-steel item (such as a spoon or fork) while washing. The smell will disappear.

Pumpkin Seeds Boost Mood
Pumpkin seeds, like chocolate, are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan, which improves mood. However, pumpkin seeds don’t have the sugar that chocolate does and one ounce of the seeds contains about half the daily requirements of magnesium, which strengthens bones. (Melina Jampolis MD, physician nutrition specialist.)

Inspirational Quotes

"Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace."   ~ Lori Deschene


"I feel that it is healthier to look out at the world through a window than through a mirror. Otherwise, all you see is your self and whatever is behind you."  ~ Bill Withers, (American musician)


"We do not quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing."  ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes


"If you’re going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now."  ~ Marie Osmond



I am a graduate of the Clinical Hypnotherapy Program at the MIOH. When I began the program, I had no idea just how wonderful and transformative the experience would be in both my personal and professional life. As part of my personal journey it has given me amazing tools to heal and help myself. Tools that I know I will utilize throughout my life. I entered the program in search of a new career path and could not be happier with the education and resources provided to me by the Motivational Institute. Not only were the instructors skilled, professional and knowledgeable, they were also helpful far beyond what one would expect. They have become mentors and friends. While I am now just starting my own independent practice, I still have guidance and assistance in taking the practical steps necessary to open a business. The amazing director, Marla Brucker, and her wonderful staff of teachers and colleagues have been outstanding. This has been one experience that I will never forget and will always be grateful for. I highly recommend the MIOH for your personal or professional growth.

Thank You Marla!  ~ Priscilla O

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Letter from the Executive Director

Hi Everyone,

Where you are in life now is not going to be where you will be a year from now.

Everything that is happening in our lives in the present moment is preparing us for the changes that will make us what we will become.

Ask yourself: What are you spending your time and energy on? Are you focused on the past, how life used to be? Or are you focused on the future, in hopes that you can return to how you were just a few months ago, in the past.

The best place to be is in the now where you can choose to focus on things that will empower you.

What are you excited about for when this is over?

This is the time to reset and reinvent yourself, to make your life even greater than it already is, and to prepare yourself to be ready when your new life shows up.

Continue to work on your personal development. It is a rehearsal of how you want to live. Mastery comes with repetition…

Know your outcome, where you want to go and how you want to manifest it. Be resilient.

You can do nearly anything you put your mind to. There is always another staircase to climb; you just have to be willing to take the extra step. No matter what calls to you or pulls on your soul, this is your time to reach out and grab it.

Life is exactly what you make it…dare to be magnificent.

Read our Blog: "We Are Living in 2020 Hindsight"

Let kindness be contagious…

To Your Success,

Marla Brucker, DCH, R.H.
Peak Performance Coach
(858) 587-0422

We’re hoping that by August we will be able to get back together in person and have our hands-on trainings again; otherwise, we will continue to offer online classes.

Since the Energy Psychology module is mainly hands-on, we might need to push it out to October and move the Ericksonian Hypnosis training to August. We’ll keep you updated.

Upcoming Certification Training:

Energy Psychology

Three-weekend training: 

Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00am-1:00pm 

August 1-2, August 15-16 & August 22-23, 2020


Success exists within; invest in you…


Discover the link between the mind and body…Step into your personal power to manifest your dreams and help others do the same. Join us for our upcoming training in Energy Psychology beginning Saturday, August 1st.

Learn powerful energy therapy techniques designed to create permanent changes in your life and in the lives of others. These techniques can help eliminate anxieties, fears, self-sabotage programming, past traumas, and limiting beliefs.

In this hands-on comprehensive training, you will also learn to balance the body’s energy system by creating rapid and profound change.

This training is beneficial for alternative and mental health professionals as well as anyone in quest of personal self-growth. It’s a great complement to hypnosis and other therapeutic modalities.

For more information about the Energy Psychology training or to register, go to: Energy Psychology.

Receive a $100 discount by registering on or before July 25th, with a $250 deposit.

Call to reserve your space now!

Contact Marla Brucker at (858) 587-0422 or email: with any questions.  

Special Thanks

Thank you for joining us for our very first Zoom Inspirational "Happy" Hour. It was a GREAT success filled with lots of insight, healing energy and expansion, with over 55 attendees.

I want to acknowledge our three amazing speakers; Reenie, Vincent, Martine Wilson and Arianne Zabriskie for inspiring us with their grace and wisdom as they enriched us with their special gifts.

We have held these events (in-house) five times a year over the last 12 years; and we want to continue offering it to you, yet for the time being we will reach out to you by Zoom. Our next Inspirational "Happy" Hour is planned for July. We’ll keep you posted.

Congrats Graduates!

Congratulations to Angela Costa, Jessica Hodge and Teri Nagelberg for having just completed 300-hours of hands-on training and clinical work. They are now officially certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Integrative Hypnotherapy. I am proud to call each of them a colleague.

Read Our Blog:

We Are Living in 2020 Hindsight...

2020 Training Schedule


The training modules have changed due to the shutdown in March.

Some of the trainings will be held online via zoom until we can safely teach in person again.


*All courses are taught Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00am-6:00pm

Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy (Completed)
(Early registration discount - January 11, 2020)

January 18-19      Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm
January 25-26      Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm
February 8-9        Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm

Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (On-going)
(Early registration discount - May 23, 2020) 

May 30-31      Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 1:00pm
June 6-7         Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 1:00pm
June 13-14     Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 1:00pm

Energy Psychology (Moved to August)
(Early registration discount - July 25, 2020)

August 1-2       Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm
August 15-16   Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm
August 22-23   Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm

Ericksonian Hypnosis
(Early registration discount - October 10, 2020) 

October 17-18     Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm
October 24-25     Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm
November 7-8     Sat. and Sun. 9:00am to 6:00pm

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