
June Newsletter
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Blog (Linked Below):

"Your Thoughts Create Your Reality..." (click here)
In This Issue:
- Upcoming Training
- Become a Menopause Specialist
- 2024 Training Schedule

MIOH Staff


Marla Brucker
Marla Brucker, DCH, R.HA
Executive Director
(858) 587-0422


Andrew Utley
Administrative Assistant

Did You Know?

Sleep Better with Aloe Plants:
An aloe plant can raise the oxygen levels in your home. It can also absorb carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde. Just one aloe plant can achieve what nine biological air purifiers can do. Putting an aloe plant on your nightstand releases oxygen while absorbing carbon dioxide from the air around the bed, thereby boosting nighttime oxygen levels. It may increase your time in restorative, slow-wave sleep.

Make Your Own Window Cleaner:
Put 2 cups of water, half a cup of distilled vinegar, and ten drops of essential oil (lemon, orange, or grapefruit oil smells nice) in a spray bottle and shake before spraying.

Polish Wood Furniture with Lemons:
Many furniture polishes contain harsh solvents that can damage wood surfaces. Luckily, you can get dull wood looking new with an all-natural cleaner popular with boutique hotel housekeepers. Simply add two parts olive oil and one part lemon juice to a jar and shake to combine. Dip a dry cloth in the solution and rub it into the furniture, going with the grain. The olive oil moisturizes wood, while the lemon lifts dirt. Then, buff it with a clean cloth.

How to Ease Sunburns:
Oops, you were out in the sun too long…Ease the burn with lavender spray. It’s a perfect antiseptic and cooling herb. Fill an 8-ounce spray bottle with cold water and add six drops of lavender essential oil. Shake well, and spray on the sunburn for soothing relief.

Inspirational Quotes 

You are in the present moment of your future memories. 

"The difference between an optimist and a pessimist?  An optimist laughs to forget, but a pessimist forgets to laugh." ~ Tom Bodett 

The moment in front of you is not bothering you…you’re bothering yourself about the moment in front of you.

There is no story without adversity. It helps you acquire what you need to grow and achieve more.


"My experience with MIOH has been profound, enjoyable, challenging, and eye-opening. Marla and the other teachers have so much to offer through experience and knowledge. I feel so grateful that I chose MIOH to broaden my understanding of Hypnotherapy and begin learning other modalities, such as NLP and Energy Psychology. I love the diverse curriculum. It allows you to reflect deeply on yourself before starting a practice where you will ask others to do the same, which was paramount for me.

The internship was challenging. It was intimidating and nerve-wracking for the first few sessions, and then there was a shift in me. I became more and more confident. Sessions became more fluid and seamless. The internship solidifies the curriculum and allows for deep integration on many levels." ~ Meredith R.

Yelp Us!
Please take a moment to Yelp MIOH.


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Letter from the Executive Director

Hi Everyone,

When you change how you look at things, the things you look at change…


It’s important for us to open our minds and see the world not only through our own lens but also through the lens of others.  

Stepping into the other person’s reality helps create a simple shift in one’s perspective and can help us recognize the hidden potential for fulfillment in every event.

Read our Blog: Your Thoughts Create Your Reality...

Let kindness be contagious,

Marla Brucker, DCH, R.H.A.
Peak Performance Coach
(858) 587-0422

Upcoming Certification Training:

Ericksonian Hypnosis

Register by July 24th for a $150 discount for this upcoming training. 

Three-weekend training: 

Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00am – 1:00pm (PST)

August 3-4, 10-11 & 17-18, 2024

Success exists within; invest in yourself…

If you’ve ever wanted to learn hypnosis for your personal or professional benefit, NOW is the time to start!    

You will learn powerful hypnosis techniques and applications designed to create 
permanent changes in your life and the lives of others. This comprehensive course in Ericksonian Hypnosis provides hands-on demonstrations and experiential training. 

In these three powerful and information-packed weekends, you will develop skills to achieve the success you (and your clients) desire!

For more information about the Ericksonian Hypnosis training, click here. Register now!

Contact Marla Brucker at (858) 587-0422 or email: Marla@SDHypnosisTraining.comwith any questions. 

Become a Menopause Specialist 

Imagine being at the forefront of a global opportunity that affects every woman.

As a Certified Hypnosis or Alternative Health Menopause Specialist, you have the unique opportunity to fill a significant void in this area and provide the much-needed support women are seeking.

Learn natural and alternative techniques and applications to support women through this transitional time. My colleague Diane Edwards and I have worked in this field for years. Realizing the need for more specialists, we have developed a certification program and a hands-on self-help book to assist women in transitioning through this stage of their lives naturally. 

Even if you are postmenopausal or have not entered it, you can still assist women in this untapped market. Remember, everyone knows someone going through this transitional stage in their life.

If you are interested and want to hear more, we are offering a one-hour free introduction to our program. Choose the best date and time for you: Wednesday, June 12th at 5:00
PST or Saturday, June 15th at 9:00 a.m. PST.

Contact me to learn more about becoming a certified Menopause Specialist, and we will 
send you the Zoom link. (858) 587-0422.

Read Our Blog:

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality...

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2024 Training Schedule


*All courses are taught Saturdays and Sundays
(Virtual training: 9:00am – 1:00pm)

Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy (COMPLETE)
(Early registration discount – January 10, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (COMPLETE)
(Early registration discount – April 17, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM) 
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Ericksonian Hypnosis (Upcoming)
(Early registration discount – July 24, 2024)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Energy PsychologyScreen Shot 2024-01-01 at 12.00.05 PM.png
(Early registration discount – October 9, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Summertime is HERE! 

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