
April Newsletter
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Blog (Linked Below):

"The Metaphor of the Flower..." (click here)
In This Issue:
- Upcoming Training
- 2024 Training Schedule

MIOH Staff


Marla Brucker
Marla Brucker, DCH, R.HA
Executive Director
(858) 587-0422


Andrew Utley
Administrative Assistant

Did You Know?

Cereal-Box Characters are Designed to Make Eye Contact: This builds brand loyalty.  Characters on cereals intended for adults are usually placed on upper store shelves, generally looking straight ahead or slightly up to make eye contact with adults. Characters on child-oriented cereals are placed on lower shelves looking slightly downward to make eye contact with kids. (Research at Cornell Food and Brand Lab, NY. Published in Environment and Behavior.)

The Nose Tells When You Lie: The tissue inside the nose swells when a person lies, causing the nose to itch. Therefore, people often scratch or rub their noses when they are not being truthful. Nose rubbing, along with more frequent blinking and failing to make eye contact, can be an indicator as a natural lie detector (Alan Hirsch, MD, director, Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago).

The Apple Remedy for All-Day Energy: Apples are one of the best fatigue-fighting foods you can eat. That’s because apples have a combination of natural sugars and fiber. The sugar-fiber combination allows the energy surge to be spread out over time. (Prevention Magazine.

Fix a Wood Scratch With Walnuts:
For small scratches on your dark wood furniture, gently rub a walnut in a circular motion several times over the scratch. Let the natural oils seep into the scratch for five to ten minutes. Buff with a clean cloth.

Inspirational Quotes 

"Don’t it always seem to go, that we don’t know what we got til it's gone?" ~ Joni Mitchell

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  ~ Maya Angelou

"If your words and actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." ~ John Quincy Adams

"When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." ~ Helen Keller


"Loved the training!!! One of the most resourceful attributes at the Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy (MIOH) I experienced was the instructional strategies. The teachers thoroughly explain each method and then demonstrate it. Students are asked to perform the same skills on one another so they can practice these methods and utilize the innovative skill with comfort and ease. The experiential training and practical use of these techniques help us learn more efficiently. Having attended other schools, this valuable method is not often offered even though the majority of students are kinesthetic (hands on) learners. The most outstanding benefits I felt was through the instructors’ assistance with their gentle suggestions helping the students feel more confident and secure with the new tasks given. MIOH training made my experience of learning hypnosis more enjoyable. I feel self-assured in opening my new practice."  ~ T. Ellis

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Letter from the Executive Director

Hi Everyone,

Imagine effectively influencing and improving the lives of others while living your dream.

Have you ever wondered how a motivational speaker seems to influence us and change our lives?

Whether you’re coaching your clients, making a presentation or talking to a loved one, how you communicate your ideas can be as important as the ideas themselves.

If you have been waiting to learn NLP, this training is for you!

This interactive training in Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming will help you:

  • Influence with integrity
  • Clearly and effectively communicate with others
  • Motivate and be motivated
  • Assist others in reaching greater success
  • Build better communication skills
  • Create positive attitude in others as well as yourself
  • Become more effective in your work
  • Understand the intricacies of other people’s world

Achieve greater lasting success both professionally and personally.

Whether you're a therapist, educator, in sales or marketing, a parent, or someone in a relationship, learning NLP techniques will help you set that stage in achieving your personal and professional goals.

Now is your opportunity to learn some powerful NLP techniques. Our next Certificate training begins April 27th.

Discover your inner potential and expand your mind’s power through the practice of Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Read our Blog: The Metaphor of the Flower...

Let kindness be contagious,

Marla Brucker, DCH, R.H.A.
Peak Performance Coach
(858) 587-0422

Upcoming Certification Training:

Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Register now for the upcoming training. 

Three-weekend training: 

Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00am – 1:00pm 

April 27-28, May 4-5, & 18-19, 2024 

Success lies within; invest in you… 

Learn cutting-edge NLP techniques to help facilitate greatness in your life and with others. NLP is one of the most respectful ways to address the potential of human excellence.

NLP helps you achieve more significant, lasting success professionally and personally. Learn easy, simple techniques as you achieve more success, happiness, and prosperity. Develop greater communication skills to act consistently with your goals. Increase your effectiveness at work and within relationships as you look at life's challenges as opportunities.

This course benefits anyone desiring mastery in their personal and/or professional journey.

This training will provide powerful communication techniques and rapport skills designed to effectively influence positive change with integrity.

To learn more about the NLP training or register online, visit our website: NLP Training.

Contact Marla Brucker at (858) 587-0422 or email: Marla@SDHypnosisTraining.comwith any questions. 

"NLP may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence."  ~ Modern Psychology

Read Our Blog:

The Metaphor of a Flower...

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2024 Training Schedule


*All courses are taught Saturdays and Sundays
(Virtual training: 9:00am – 1:00pm)

Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy (COMPLETE)
(Early registration discount – January 10, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Upcoming)
(Early registration discount – April 17, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM) 
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Ericksonian Hypnosis
(Early registration discount – July 24, 2024)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Energy PsychologyScreen Shot 2024-01-01 at 12.00.05 PM.png
(Early registration discount – October 9, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Spring in the air! 

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