
November Newsletter
November 1, 2023
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Blog (Linked Below):

"You've Got to Be Taught..." (click here)
In This Issue:
- Upcoming Training
- $49 Hypnosis Sessions
- 2024 Training Schedule

MIOH Staff


Marla Brucker
Marla Brucker, DCH, R.HA
Executive Director
(858) 587-0422


Sherry Davenport
Editor, Events Support


Andrew Utley
Administrative Assistant

Did You Know?

It sounds counterintuitive, but Harvard scientists say letting your mind wander can actually help you focus. The reason: Daydreaming allows your brain’s frontal cortex, the area responsible for resisting distractions, to rest and recharge so you’re able to attack your to-dos with renewed vigor.

Sidestep a Slump by Doing the Hustle:
If your energy dips in the afternoon, turn on your favorite song from your youth and dance. Moving the major muscles in your legs for just 60 seconds sends your energy soaring by 80% for 90 minutes. Canadian researchers have discovered that the quick burst of motion switches on genes that enhance insulin sensitivity. This allows your muscles to soak up and use more energizing glucose for fuel.

Can’t follow along?
Sing a Song: Straining to figure out what people are saying is exhausting. Luckily, just singing along to music can help. In a 10-week study from Canada’s Ryerson University, middle-aged women who sang two hours per week - just 17 minutes per day - found that it was 20 percent easier to understand people in conversation. Singing trains the brain to look for specific notes, sharpening the ability to hear sounds in speech.

Curb Your Appetite: Smelling vanilla before a meal helps you eat less. The aroma is satisfyingly rich and tricks your brain into thinking you are eating more than you actually are; therefore, your body feels content sooner and needs less food. (Alan Hirsch, MD, Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago.

Inspirational Quotes 

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Love and treat your body as a luxurious vehicle, not a rental car. 

"People say walking on water is a miracle, but to me, walking peacefully on earth is the real miracle." ~ Thick Nhat Hanh

"To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to make time to be in their lives today. Every day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. The more present we are, the more deposits we get to make." ~ Angel Chernoff

"Although I’m a typical loner in my daily life, my awareness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has prevented me from feelings of isolation." ~ Albert Einstein


"I had thought about starting the certification program at MIOH for many years before I finally took the leap of faith and started my first module. Despite the warm welcome of my classmates and instructors, I was paralyzed with fear and doubt. I questioned my ability to make it through the first module. I stuck with it, and with each new skill we learned in class, I was able to shift from feelings of panic to curiosity and excitement. The results of the exercises we practiced on each other felt like magic. It was empowering to be able to take control over the limiting beliefs that had been restricting me for so long. With each module that I took, my confidence grew.

Completing the clinical internship was a wonderful opportunity to try out all the skills and tools that I learned during the program in a supportive environment. The feedback of my fellow interns and Marla Brucker was invaluable in helping me learn to trust my intuition and discover my personal style as a hypnotherapist. Many people say that the certification program is life-changing, which I initially thought might have been a bit of an exaggeration until I experienced it myself. MIOH has created a wonderfully supportive community with its instructors, graduates, and students. I feel so fortunate to be a part of this community and look forward to future learning opportunities with MIOH." ~ Riva

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Letter from the Executive Director

Hi Everyone,

"Do your little bit of good, as those little bits of good together overpower the world." ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Hi Everyone,

I’ve always ended my message in this portion of the Newsletter with "Let Kindness be Contagious…" but now, I’m starting with it.

Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you? Now, change the scenario and think of a time you extended a simple act of kindness. Take a moment to reflect on their response to your actions and how that made you feel by leaving a lasting impression on both you and the receiver. That’s the gift of giving.                         

Too often, we look outside ourselves to find a key to happiness. In this fast-paced world, kindness and compassion may take a back seat to selfies, self-interest, and expendable human interactions.

The Butterfly Effect Theory asserts that a tiny event in one region of the world can have a substantial impact elsewhere. By incorporating simple acts of compassion into your everyday life, you will begin to notice the ripple effects. Make someone smile today. 

"My religion is very simple…My religion is kindness." ~ Dalai Lama

Read our Blog: You've Got to Be Taught

Let kindness be contagious,

Marla Brucker, DCH, R.H.A.
Peak Performance Coach
(858) 587-0422

Upcoming Certification Training:

Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy

Register now for the upcoming training. 

Three-weekend training: 

Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00am – 1:00pm 

January 20-21, 27-28, & Feb 10-11, 2024

Success is within; invest in yourself…

Learn how to maximize the body/mind/spirit connection with hypnosis.

This training explores the principles and strategies of Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy in helping others uncover limiting beliefs and forgiveness issues. Additional topics include listening to the subconscious mind, pain management, and medical hypnosis.

This comprehensive course provides experiential training and hands-on demonstrations that lead to becoming certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Integrative Hypnotherapy. It is beneficial for alternative and mental health professionals as well as anyone in a quest for personal growth.

Register by January 10th so that you can receive a $150 discount.

For more information about the Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy training or to register, click here. Register now!

Contact Marla Brucker at (858) 587-0422 or email: Marla@SDHypnosisTraining.comwith any questions. 

$49 Hypnosis Sessions! 

This would be an excellent opportunity for you, your family, and friends to work on specific goals or on particular issues.

Our interns have dedicated hundreds of hours honing their skills and are ready to help you achieve your goals. Read about our interns on our website.

In addition to the benefits you will gain, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Habitat for Humanity.

Book your appointment today, call Bethany at (858) 255-0524. Availability is limited!

The Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy is just one of two schools nationwide to offer a supervised clinical internship, which is a part of our 300-hour certification program.

Energy Psychology Graduates
Heather, Bethany, Einar, Celine, (Marla Brucker) Dominique, Kimberly, Katie, Porscha and Miguel, (Missing) Lourdez and Eleyna

Read Our Blog:

You've Got to Be Taught...

2024 Training Schedule


*All courses are taught Saturdays and Sundays
(Virtual training: 9:00am – 1:00pm)

Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy
(Early registration discount – January 10, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(Early registration discount – April 17, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM) 
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Ericksonian Hypnosis
(Early registration discount – July 24, 2024)
(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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Energy Psychology
(Early registration discount – October 9, 2024)

(Zoom Training:  9AM – 1:00PM)
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1-2-3 What are you thankful for RIGHT NOW?!
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